Dundee budget hearing draws few commentsDUNDEE—A public hearing on the proposed $1,007,794In other business: • Cratsley announced a proposed change in the meeting schedule during the regular meeting of the board that would add a second meeting at 5 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month for the main purpose of paying bills which was passed later in the meeting. Trustee Judy Duquette was named deputy mayor. Cratsley said there are two vacancies on the planning board and the historic district committee. Miller said village code allows either five or seven members on both boards. She said five works well if they are good, strong workers. Miller offered to check with other area municipalities to see what numbers they are working with. • Trash disposal at the village ballpark was discussed. Cratsley said Little League should be responsible for it. There have been some problems with wildlife getting in the trash between the end of ball games and the time village crews collect trash the following day. Streets Superintendent Andy Howell suggested the bathrooms also be checked at night to make sure the lights are off and there is no water running. The need for rolling the ball field was discussed. Last year the village borrowed a roller from the town of Starkey. Newly elected trustee Greg Wright offered to bring his roller to the field so that the needed work can be done. Cratsley commended Freedom Village for work at the ball field. He said, “They brought their own equipment and regraded the ball field and added other improvements. They did a nice job.” They have also loaned a set of bleachers they don’t use this time of year to the village for the season. • Fire Chief Dan Peterson reported on department activities. He said five people graduated from Fire One School and three took Emergency Medical Services (EMS) training. At the annual graduation banquet the Dundee department listed 1,688 hours of fire training and 595 EMS training hours, all in addition to county and state training hours. Last month there were 54 calls for ambulance and 15 fire calls. The department hopes to install at least two more dry hydrants this year. Peterson reported six of the people who visited the department’s open house have applied for membership and an additional three people have indicated interest which could possibly lead to eight or 10 new volunteers. Past Chief Raymie Miller reported 65 volunteers responded to the scene of a propane truck tip over on Lakemont-Himrod Road April 6. He said eight departments were involved during the nine hour incident as well as county and state agencies. • Howell spoke to the board about the backhoe which was sent to Monroe Tractor for an estimate on repairs. He said the machine is 10 years old, adding, “There’s a lot of life in that machine. It’s used a lot because it’s the only machine we have. It goes from one end of the village to the other.” Howell said his crew can perform some of the repairs and does not feel the village needs to replace the machine right away. Trustees approved repairs at this time. Howell said $20,000 per year is being placed in the equipment reserve fund for eventual replacement of the machine. • Deputy street superintendent Doug Jayne said he sent the pump bids to the engineers for the village and just one from Moody’s matched the criterion. Their bid was $23,350. Other bids received were higher and did not meet the criterion completely. The next meeting of the village board will be at 7 p.m. May 12 in the village hall on Union Street in Dundee. The new schedule of two meetings a month will begin in May. |
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