Wayne town board 03/10/09 Meeting: The Wayne town board met Tuesday, March 10 for two hours and 25 minutes, including a public hearing on the town’s comprehensive plan. Attendance: All board members were present. There were 14 members of the public in the audience. Action: Supervisor Dawn Dowdle said the Department of Environmental Conservation’s State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) report for the Waneta Lake and Sylvan Beach water utility project found no negative impacts to the environment. The board voted to submit the report. The water utility project covers both the water and wastewater district, one of which the town is looking into creating. J.C. Smith with Environmental Facilities Corp. was supposed to be present to speak, but did not arrive. • The board agreed to endorse and promote the Land Use Keuka Lake Planning Guide which came out of the Land Use Leadership Alliance (LULA) meetings. Dowdle said she hopes towns and villages will continue to update and review the information gathered. • The board approved the purchase of two flags for inside and outdoors, as well as an inside flag stand for around $200. John McEntire, highway superintendent, will look into the necessary height for an outside flagpole. Discussion without action: Dowdle said their NYSEG bill for February and March was double what it was in January. NYSEG is reviewing the bill and Dowdle said she will also ask them to reread the meters. • The town has maps of where the weed killer Renovate will be used in Waneta and Lamoka Lakes, available at the town hall. • Dowdle said the current wastewater law needs to be updated. Board members were given a draft update of the Keuka Lake wastewater law. Dowdle explained she wants the town to have one wastewater law for the parts of the town on Keuka and Waneta Lakes, instead of one law for each lake. She said it was something they should be able to do. • McEntire said because there has been less snow, the highway department has hauled about 85 percent of the stone needed for summer projects. They also cleared a lot of brush. Bids/purchases over $1,000: None. Appointments/resignations: None. Upcoming meetings: The next regular town board meeting is Tuesday, April 14 at 7 p.m. |
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