Jerusalem town board 04/15/09Meeting: Jerusalem town board met for approximately one and one quarter hours, April 15 followed by an executive session to discuss legal matters lasting approximately 30 minutes.Attendance: All council members were present. Nine members of the public were in the audience including three Yates County legislators. Action: After discussion agreed to sign the animal control agreement with Yates County. County Legislator Taylor Fitch told the board the animals are now kept at the Humane Society, noting, “They are good at getting dogs adopted out. It’s working out pretty well so far. We had Henry Lafler for years. It costs Yates County a little more now, but the process is the same.” • Councilman Neil Simmons said a group of people in the community have met twice to discuss the possibility of using the Branchport school building. He said the meeting of the nonprofit groups was informal and there are no definite plans at this time. • Council member Loretta Hopkins said she had met with a community group that would like to improve the look of Branchport. Discussion without action: Highway Superintendent Bob Payne said the roads are in pretty good shape. He said it seems better each year, but is hard to tell because each winter if different. • Jim Barre will make a major presentation about wind energy at the town planning board meeting May 7. • Town resident Alice Hunt announced there will be two public information meetings about the proposed address changes in the town April 28 and May 5. Both meetings will be at 7 p.m. in the Branchport/Keuka Park firehouse on Rt. 54A. Bids/purchases over $1,000: Voted to hire General Code to do a total editorial analysis of the town codes. Payment will be in a deposit of $1,403 this year and an equal balance from the 2010 budget. Hopkins said, “If we do this it would save our volunteers a lot of time. There are a lot of inconsistencies.” Town resident Bill Pringle said, “They gave a 270 day estimate for the work. That’s not an outrageous price for what they are going to do.” Appointments/resignations: Ron Rubin’s resignation from the zoning board was accepted with regret. He has been appointed to the Yates County Planning Board. Ed Seus, first alternate on the town zoning board was named to Rubin’s seat for a term ending in January 2010. Upcoming meetings: Scheduled May 20 at 7 p.m. in the town hall on Italy Hill Road in Branchport. |
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