Odessa-Montour school board 04/21/09

Apr 28, 2009 at 12:48 pm by Observer-Review


Odessa-Montour school board 04/21/09

Meeting:  The Odessa-Montour school board met Tuesday, April 21 for just over an hour.
Attendance:  All board members were present.  There were two members of the public in the audience.
Action:  The board adopted the 2009-10 school budget in the amount of $14,203,785.  The board also approved the GST BOCES administrative budget for $6,378,895.
• The board cast ballots for membership on the GST BOCES Board of Cooperative Education Services.  The votes were for Robert Everett, Watkins Glen Central School District; Gary Scott, Campbell-Savona CSD; Eric Weyland, Hornell CSD; and William Peoples Jr., Addison CSD.
• Inspectors and clerks were approved for the May 19 district vote.  They will be paid $15 an hour.
• The board also approved putting a proposition onto the May 19 vote to change the number of years in a term for a board position.  In the proposition, the board positions elected after June 30, 2009 will be for three years.  However, one seat starting July 1, 2011 will be for two year term once, before reverting back to three years.  The board explained this would help have an equal number of board members elected each year.
• An extracurricular fund account was created for the Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) club.
• The board accepted $500 from the Utica National Insurance for receiving the 2009 School Safety Excellence Award.  Superintendent Jim Frame said the school has received the award for several years in a row now.
• ACE Essentials of Art was approved as a new course.
Discussion without action:  The board heard from Meg and Howard Cabezas, parents within the district who home school their two children.  They asked the board what could be done to change the school's policy that says home schooled students are not allowed to participate in clubs and organizations.  The Cabezas said New York state education policy stated home schooled students should be able to have access to clubs.  The parents also asked about what it would take to enroll a home schooled student at Odessa-Montour that did not require them to start as freshman.  The board asked Frame to look into the first request.  Frame explained how home schooled students could enter in at the grade level they have achieved.
• High school Principal Andy Morrow gave his report.  He said Odessa-Montour's first AP tests, for American English and Psychology, would be this week.
Bids/purchases over $1,000:  None.
Appointments/resignations:  The board accepted the resignation of Morrow, effective June 30.
Upcoming meetings:  The next regular board meeting is Thursday, May 14 at 7 p.m.
Sections: Additional News