Three former mayors attend Dundee meeting

May 19, 2009 at 02:47 pm by Observer-Review


Three former mayors attend Dundee meeting

DUNDEE—There may not be many municipalities in the state that can count four mayors in the room during a meeting. Dundee had that number at the May 12 meeting of the village board. In addition to current mayor, Fred Cratsley, former mayors Craig Prior, Mark Bellis and current village streets superintendent and former mayor Andy Howell were all in the room.
Fire chief Dan Peterson had a number of items to report. There was discussion of applying for a federal grant to take the place of the 1986 tanker, which is scheduled for replacement in 2013. The total replacement cost is about $450,000. Peterson said he has talked with a grant writer in Corning who may be available to help write for a grant. The cost would be about $300, an amount that would be reimbursed if the application is successful. Peterson said if the village could put down 20 to 25 percent of the cost there should be a good chance of winning a grant. The truck reserve fund is currently at about $70,000 and that amount is put into the fund each year. After discussion, trustee Larry Howell suggested the village go at a 15 percent match. Peterson said it would take a while before the village learns if their application is successful and if it is, building a truck is a lengthy process.
Peterson reported there were 12 fire calls and 41 ambulance calls in April.
The fire alarm system in the village hall is not working. He said he had received a quote for repairs of $2,600 with one additional quote for $4,800. Early in the meeting, trustees passed a resolution authorizing the  mayor to sign documents related to a Green Initiatives Grant Program. The board agreed to table action on a Climate Smart Communities grant application.
Peterson asked trustees about a bill for freezer repair that had not been paid. He said the county suggests keeping ice and some food on hand for emergencies. Discussion followed about payment of the bill for repair from village or fire department funds and the decision was tabled until the May 26 meeting.
In other business: Trustee Larry Howell said there have been more problems with the transfer station. Technically the property is not in the village and village code only applies for property within the village limits. The current problem is that people are again leaving trash at the Dundee-Glenora Road property when the transfer station is not open and there is trash on the site.
• Wastewater treatment plant operator Howard Sautter reported the north tank at the plant is empty and things are looking good for the start of the project at the site. Three bids have been received for the 2007 portion of the grant and engineers Barton and LoGuidce recommended the low bid  of $185,000 from R&R Construction be accepted.
• The board discussed equipment following Street superintendent Andy Howell’s report that the backhoe has ben returned from repair. He said tires are still needed and the lowest estimate for them if $1,456. He also spoke to the board about the possibility of purchasing a loader. He said years ago the village did have a loader, but when it wore out it wasn’t replaced. He said, “A  loader would take some of the weight of the backhoe.” Trustee Greg Wright said, “We just increased water rates. If people see a new piece of equipment all hell would break loose. A backhoe would be more useful.” Howell said the money is available for it. Wright said he would like to see the village have two backhoes rather than a backhoe and a loader. Sautter commented, “People complain whenever the village gets equipment.”
• Streets superintendent Andy Howell announced the village will get $23,878 in consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS)  funds. He said he has looked at possible sign replacements has and looked at village streets to see what can be done with the funds.
• Trustee Judy Duquette reported signups for the summer recreation program will be June 11 from 6 until 8 p.m. and June 13 from 9 until  11 a.m. The season will be July 6 until Aug. 14. Dundee Youth Center has agreed to be the site of the program during rain. There will be bowling Friday and the amount of funding available will determine field trips.
Dundee Days was also discussed with Duquette announcing the date will be July 11 due to July 4 being on a Saturday this year. Wright said he would like to see a community activity at the event and listing several, calling it, “Just ideas to keep people in the village.” In recent years, the main activity for the day is yard sales throughout the village.
• Wright began a discussion of the upcoming Dundee Farmer’s Market season, noting the start date is June 10. He had questions about the need for permits for non food vendors. Planning board chairperson Pamela Miller said the village code book says they need permits. She said the grant for the market went through the village office, adding she feels the market is not a valid organization because it is not registered with New York State as a not-for-profit. Wright said he would speak with a market representative to see where things stand.
• The board agreed to advertise for additional members for the village planning board. Village code allows five or seven members, and the board is currently at five.
The next meeting of the Dundee Village board will be in the village hall on Union Street at 5 p.m. May 28.


Sections: Additional News