Jerusalem town board 05/20/09

May 27, 2009 at 08:37 am by Observer-Review


Jerusalem town board 05/20/09

Meeting: Jerusalem town board met for approximately two hours May 20, followed by an executive session to discuss real estate matters.
Attendance: All members of the town council were present. Sixteen members of the public were in the audience.
Action: Scheduled a public hearing on an  amendment to the off-season boat storage law at 7:05 p.m., June 17.
• Agreed to amend the building department fee schedule for roofing and siding, reducing it from $50 to $10 with the exception of structural changes or repairs. Building inspector John Phillips said, “If people are willing to maintain their property, the $10 would cover the paperwork and they could use the $40 for materials. During discussion, Council member Loretta Hopkins said Phillips would like board direction regarding proper maintenance of property, asking what the board’s priorities are. Supervisor Daryl Jones said, “Building permits should have priority. If time is needed to review plans, take it. Without permits, the work is held up. Property maintenance is still a major issue. It is not on the back burner. I hope people understand we need to keep people working.” Phillips added, “I’m not willing to let it slide, but we have some real high end houses coming in. The plans are pretty intricate and I just can’t flip through them. I need the town board backing. I’m not going to let you down or slack off.” Stewart said Naples has a nuisance ordinance that the town might look at to see if it could apply in Jerusalem. Phillips said, “Right now we don’t have one. We could use this if it is law.”
• Approved a request from Trudy Moon to use the Memorial gazebo for a summer concert at 7 p.m., August 11.
Discussion without action: A public hearing on the proposed addressing law was held prior to the meeting. Councilman Ray Stewart said he will ask for a vote on the proposal at the June meeting of the town board.
• Supervisor Daryl Jones reported the town will receive $199,874 in Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) funds. He said patching of Rt. 54A is being done now, crediting Sen.George Winner for assisting in getting the project started.
• Subdivision committee chairperson Tom Close said the final draft of the proposed document has been reviewed and hopes a public meeting on the issue can be scheduled in June.
Bids/purchases over $1,000: None
Appointments/resignations: None
Upcoming meetings: The board will meet at 7 p.m., June 17, in the town hall on Italy Hill Road.


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