Historical marker celebration recognizes former church

Jul 20, 2023 at 09:32 am by Observer-Review

historical marker with organizers
By Sandra Bradford
The Logan Methodist Church was built in the fall of 1832 and closed its doors as a church in 1970. After its closing and seeing vandalism, some of the community got together and formed an association to preserve and restore the building.
In 1986 the association purchased the building and the one acre of land that it stands on from the Central New York Conference of the United Methodist Church. The Logan Association agreed the building would be used for community events and activities.
Many volunteers and hours have been put toward the restoration of the building since. Donations and fundraisers have been important to its maintenance, recently the bell was removed from the tower and has been set in the yard for safety reasons.
In 2001, the Logan Methodist Church was officially designated to the National Register of Historic Places. Earlier this year, Town of Hector Historian Sandra Bradford applied for a grant from the William G. Pomeroy Foundation for a Historical Marker. Working with James Jensen, president of the Logan Landmark, as it is now called, the grant was submitted, approved and the funds and marker were delivered to the Town of Hector for installation.
William G. Pomeroy, who after learning that New York state had stopped funding for historic markers, established the Pomeroy Foundation in 2005, because of his love and passion for history. One of the main initiatives was to help people celebrate their community’s history by offering grants for historic markers and plaques nationwide.
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