Design, trees, cupola location are highlights of vision plan
PENN YAN--Roger Brown of the Rochester Regional Community Design Center (RRCDC) spoke to the village of Penn Yan's planning and development committee Tuesday, April 14 regarding the plan outlined by the 2020 vision committee. Brown summarized the highlights of the vision plan developed for the village while addressing some key points, which included a possible design plan, planting more street-side trees and the consideration of where to place the historic cupola from the former Empire State Winery building. Brown said he would like to see the village of Penn Yan develop and adopt an official design guideline focusing on the visual and aesthetic aspects of development. He said while there are some design elements outlined in the vision plan based on what village residents would like to see, as well as some visual details that will be addressed in the village comprehensive plan, he said it would be good for the village to better state what is allowable for future building design. Brown said the price for such a document varies, adding it could be completed in approximately six months for less than $10,000. He said there would also be grant funding the village could seek if they decided to develop such a plan. "That button hasn't been pushed yet," Brown said. Brown said he would also like to see the village invest in more street trees along with the design guidelines. He said there are many opportunities for additional trees throughout the village streets which could greatly improve the look of the community. "The more they plant and coordinate, the better looking the community will be," Brown said. Brown also mentioned the cupola relocation as another project for the future of the village. Currently owned by Chris Iversen, the cupola now sits in the bushes between the Top of the Lake Restaurant and the Knapp and Schlappi Lumber Company in Penn Yan since the building was torn down in 1990. Village Trustee and Chairman of the village parks and recreation committee Rich Stewart said the committee heard a progress report on the project to restore the cupola at their Tuesday meeting by the legal committee working on restoring the cupola. Stewart said there are efforts in place to attempt to move the cupola sometime in May, adding the current plan is to have it turned over to the village once a final location is chosen and the restoration work is completed. He said while there is no permanent location established yet, the current effort is to have it located in the Mace Street area. Steve Knapp, chairman of the cupola restoration project's steering committee, provided a report saying Blake Held of Honeoye Falls will be the architect, with the stabilizing and moving phase of work costing $700. Costs for the rest of the first phase will be $2,000 for the production of measured drawings and restoration plans, sketch concepts for the proposed use and location of the cupola, color plans and elevations, and the creation of biddable contract documents. Knapp said the group has begun fundraising to cover the costs of this first phase. According to Knapp's report, the group envisions the restored cupola as "the elevated centerpiece of a circular garden," with a path leading to the outlet trail and illuminated at night. "We envision the cupola will become Penn Yan's icon and a prime location for wedding and family photography, helping to make Penn Yan, with its hotels, a wedding destination, as well as a place of quiet reflection, attracting tourists and visitors, and so contributing to economic development in the village for many years to come," according to Knapp's progress report.