What can you find underwater in Keuka Lake?
KEUKA LAKE--If you've ever wondered what kind of things are on the bottom of Keuka Lake, the recent boating museum presentation by Joe Luppino and Jack Merriam revealed some facts and myths about the lake. Luppino and Merriam, both experienced divers and former employees of the Taylor Wine Company, spoke Thursday, May 16 to a filled Hammondsport museum lecture room with 70 people attending. Using SCUBA (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) equipment the two said they have made more than 2,000 dives in Keuka Lake. The most common items they find on the bottom includes fishing lures, sinkers, jewelry, coins, boat anchors and propellers. The two divers have also found many glass bottles from the 1800s. But the items they find are not always small. From one of their dives they found a sunken car-a Volkswagen Beetle. And they also found an undamaged Chris Craft motorboat which was subsequently raised. Luppino and Merriam also dove to the former canal barge that was sunk near Tanglewood Point. The two divers have also seen the yacht Minnie V and the former steam ship--the Steuben. As for Keuka Lake myths, both Luppino and Merriam said they have never experienced really strong currents nor seen any underwater caves in Keuka Lake. Luppino and Merriam's presentation is available for viewing at the Finger Lakes Boating Museum in Hammondsport. For more information on underwater salvage or safe SCUBA diving in and around the Finger Lakes, contact the New York State Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation at 607-387-7041 or https://parks.ny.gov/.